TriticeaeSSRdb: The Triticeae Simple Sequence Repeat Database

Distribution of SSR motif types

The most abundant motif category


B1K is a genetic collection of 1020 wild barley accessions from 51 sites in Israel, utilized to investigate genetic diversity and adaptation to environmental conditions.
Species: B1K-04-12
Ploidy: diploid
Chromosomes: 14
Genomic SSRs: 136,571
Genic SSRs: 4,166,601
Genome size: 5.80G
Assembly: -
Genome URL: B1K-04-12 Genome URL
Accession: -
Chromosomes (Multi select)
Microsatellite Characterstics (select any one)
Chromosome Location range(kbp)
Size of SSR(bp)
