TriticeaeSSRdb: The Triticeae Simple Sequence Repeat Database

Distribution of SSR motif types

The most abundant motif category

Leymus chinensis

Leymus chinensis is a perennial gramineous Triticeae grass belonging to the genus Leymus that serves as an highly nutritious forage for grazing livestock. It is widely distributed in the eastern Eurasian steppe as the dominant species for the ecological conservation of arid and semiarid regions.
Species: Leymus chinensis
Abbreviation: L. chinensis
Ploidy: tetraploid
Chromosomes: 28
Genomic SSRs: 177,929
Genic SSRs: 72760
Genome size: 7.85G
Assembly: -
Genome URL: L. chinensis Genome URL
Accession: Lc6-5
Chromosomes (Multi select)
Note: Lc1Ns to Lc7Xm correspond to chromosomes 1 to 14, respectively. HiC_scaffold denotes an unanchored sequence.
Microsatellite Characterstics (select any one)
Chromosome Location range(kbp)
Size of SSR(bp)