TriticeaeSSRdb: The Triticeae Simple Sequence Repeat Database

Distribution of SSR motif types

The most abundant motif category

HOR 9043

HOR 21599 is a barley variety from Hungary, characterized by its high yield and disease resistance, and is utilized in research to explore its potential for improving barley cultivation practices and crop management strategies.
Species: HOR 9043
Ploidy: diploid
Chromosomes: 14
Genomic SSRs: 143,708
Genic SSRs: 4,575,146
Genome size: 14.71G
Assembly: -
Genome URL: HOR 9043 Genome URL
Accession: -
Chromosomes (Multi select)
Microsatellite Characterstics (select any one)
Chromosome Location range(kbp)
Size of SSR(bp)
